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Ornate Birchirs - New Stock Promotion!

Introduction promo - RM 40 Each!

ornate birchir my aquarium wangsa maju

The Ornate Birchir is new to our shop in Wangsa Maju and to celebrate this great fish we have a promo!

The Ornate Birchir or Polypterus ornatipinnis is not a cheap fish, it's something a little special.

Origionally from Africa, the Ornate Birchir is an amazing fish with stunning markings. It looks somewhat like a snake!

Also of interest is that the fish can breathe air using primitive lungs in a similar way to Anabantids such as the Fighting Fish and the Snakeheads (Channa such as Toman and Haruan). You still must use a good filter system and oxygenate the water as usual though. Make sure you cover the aquarium very well because these fish can jump and escape!

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